Tuesday, October 26, 2010

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Other Ćosić es.

I leave this comment by Jose Maria Bermudez de Castro, codirector of Atapuerca.
"The publication of the species Homo antecessor in 1997 in the journal Science included an additional conclusion hugely important for understanding the evolution of the genus Homo over the past half million years. The highly modern aspect called the face of the Gran Dolina Boy made us think, as a working hypothesis that Homo antecessor species could be the common ancestor of Neanderthals (Homo neanderthalensis) and current populations (Homo sapiens). This common ancestor looking for a couple of decades and, of course, there were candidates to fill the central role of human evolution.
Our hypothesis was not widely accepted, nay, I almost dare to think that the initial credibility of the species was hampered by this proposal as bold. Do not forget that Neanderthals have a clear European origin, with roots that could reach 600,000 years old (they are the quintessential European.) On the contrary, our species originated in Africa about 200,000 years, according to both genetic predictions as to the evidence in the fossil record. So, if true, our hypothesis should consider the following scenario: Homo antecessor formed in Africa. A portion of the population migrated to Europe to give rise to the Neanderthals, while another part of the population in Africa was to evolve into our species. Too complicated and unconvincing to the vast majority of colleagues.

Fossils of Homo antecessor obtained in subsequent campaigns (2003-2007) suggest a Eurasian origin of this kind, in other words, it appears that Homo antecessor not from Africa but could be formed in very remote in the extreme western Eurasia, judging by the findings made at the site of the Sima del Elefante (1.2 million years). Thus, it is increasingly difficult to establish a relationship with our species Homo antecessor.

To further complicate things, we have confirmed that a few of Homo antecessor dental characters also appear in later European populations, including Neanderthals. So the kind of Gran Dolina if I could have some phylogenetic relationship with them, but not necessarily direct. What action to take? At this time, and with the available data it is reasonable to think that Homo antecessor was formed in Europe long ago and that has a certain, distant kinship with the common ancestor Neanderthals and modern populations. The identity of this ancestor would be established, but more reasonable geographic location could be in the Near East, a true crossroads between Africa and Eurasia. And there we are. "


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