Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Skin Comming Off Of Scrotum

stupid things we do when we are afraid; w;

stupid things we do when we fear:
Humans are not prepared for fear, we know we do not behave with dignity. There is more to see how many stupid things we do when we are afraid.
Because let's see, you are at night in bed and hear a strange noise, what are you doing? I covers the sheet! Very good! What is it, the sheet is bulletproof? What if is a bad with a knife is not going to get through, you are going to turn the page? Man, please! What
when we get to look under the bed? Man, we already have an age! Moreover, assuming a murderer under the bed, looking forward what? That kills you before! Okay, great. Can you imagine that one day we were to meet someone under the bed? What would we say?:
- Good nocheeees ... What? Killing, right?
- A veeer ... you have to win the lentils.
- But man! Exit there is going to be cold. Walk, climb, which will take much fuzz asthma. Kill me in bed, it will be more comfortable.
Another stupid reaction to fear is to look in the closet, already the last straw. Because, let's see will anyone be a man in the closet? But if the day sheets do not know where to put all the clothes, how is going to get a guy in there?
Another situation. You hear a strange noise at home and get up, acojonao, in his underwear, and questions: - Is there anybody there? But what do you think that if someone is going to answer? The best is when you come to the conclusion that if someone can only be behind the bathroom door, because otherwise you have already registered and what are you doing? Came round slowly, mostly so that if there is someone, give you pleasure. Ay! Another
. Vas a car and, suddenly, the driver begins to run as if it was Carlos Sainz, but without Carlos Sainz, and you terrified. What are you doing? Typically, to protect yourself: you hold the plastic Asita is above the door. And can be printed if you want, your going to Asita caught ... In this situation, what mothers do is grab the bag and put it forward, as if an airbag.
And when you bike down a slope and what is packed? What is wrong with you? Remove feet from pedals. Very good, very smart! When you lose control of everything, also loose hands off the handlebars. That's right. But what do you think will happen? ", You gonna fly as ET?
When we going to get a shot, what do we do? Put the **** so hard that the needle bounces. We know that it hurts more, but we can not help it. And is that fear leads us to make an idiot after another: you have to go down to the garage and no light. Start thinking about ghosts or whether there will be someone hiding and what are you doing? Sing. Fear, I have fear, you do not know very biebebeben! That is, given more data. Launches a flare.
What happens if you walk down the street and suddenly you see someone and think you are going to hold? As you move the sidewalk. Surely if a mugger will think: "******, another who has crossed my sidewalk, what nochecita am. "But why do this? What is it, that the robbers only dock on the sidewalk of the pairs?
Ay! The other day I was in the elevator with a woman he did not know anything and suddenly the elevator was a stranger, "Brramb." And what did the lady? "Hold me! is a typical reaction of women. must think that men do not fall when you pick up a lift.
not forget that together with our stupid reactions are those that have the body for its own account. One of them is shaking. If for example there is a thief in the house and hide under a blanket, the man has no trouble finding it. We get as a mobile vibrator position.
Another stupid reaction is to stay paralyzed. If a car comes toward you and is about to atropellarte, this is all what happens to your body, be still. More reactions the body has its own: scream. Of course, very logical. If you're frying an egg and pan turns you on what you think of? Scream. You get to scream like a madman: - That I burn the eggs! And If another person joins you with their cries: - That you burn the eggs! But what do we want? "Turn off the heat to shout? Man, please


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