Practical Guide to see if these drunk: P
Practical Guide whether these drunk
Symptom: Feet cold and wet
Cause: Glass is being caught in wrong angle
Solution: Turn the glass so that the open this up
Symptom : Feet warm and wet
Cause: You Meast his pants
Solution: Go to the bathroom to dry off more next
Symptom: The opposite wall is full of lights
Cause: You left
parrot back Solution: Position your body at 90 degrees to the ground
Symptom: Your mouth is full of butts
cigarette Cause: You left in the ashtray mouth
Solution: Spit and tomato all good piscola
Symptom: The floor is blurred
Cause: You're looking through the glass vacuum
Solution: Help yourself more piscola
Symptom: The floor is moving
Cause: You're being dragged
Solution: Ask where they take you at least
Symptom: People dressed in green
Cause: These prisoner at the station
Solution: Apologize to the Pacos for having shown the diuca
Symptom: Severe pain in the slit
Cause: You're out the comiserĂa, Pelras after you put the
Solution: Go back to the club
Symptom: Multiple Reflection of faces staring at you intently from the water
Cause: You are in the cup, trying to throw
Solution: Get your fingers in the throat
Symptom: People talk about producing eco
Cause: You have the vessel in the ear
Solution: Stop clowning
Symptom: My brother is moving a lot, people dress in white and the music is very repetitive
Cause: These in an ambulance
Solution: Do not move. Possible coma
Symptom: Your father will look ugly and your brothers are much changed
Cause: You were wrong house
Solution: Ask if you can direct to yours
Symptom: A huge disco light blinds you
Cause: Those on the street and is day
Solution: Coffee, toast and a cigarette
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