Thursday, May 12, 2011

Rose Garden Seating Chart Detail

The landslide that comes to spoiled Fiscal

There is itch that lasts 100 years

The document on a piece placed on this page is Resolution No. 316-2011-MP-IADGs-AMAZONAS dated April 15, 2011 and notified early this past week.

As for the public record, this weekly has much unfinished business to settle with the Attorney (P) Olga Terán Bobadilla, despite all that there was and is, very few Sometimes we played and we are dedicated to watch and see their own destruction, his downfall and final ruin that still does not start.

Their ancestral ties to the corrupt not part of the Alan APRA if you're giving in, catapulted from obscurity to a newly graduated lawyer to a deputy prosecutor as an assistant or intern under the leadership of Dr. Marlene Rojas Méndez, his immediate supervisor.

The bug of envy and wickedness put on a pedestal of clay, from where pilgrims scrambled to fill the position, with the sole merit of having served as a spy or informer in matters of Baguazo, alienated his immediate boss, traveling to Lima carrying the alarm to his "Aunt" Gladys Echaiz, in the sense that Dr. Rojas was denouncing that the four generals and committed to his other aunt MECHE Cabaní LLAS same as the maximum leader President of the Republic.

Echaiz Dona Gladys, flew into a rage and did go "emergency" prosecutors Oswaldo Bautista, Jose Loayza and Marlene Rojas, as we have reviewed on several occasions, the first two rebuked as recruits and the third, much worse and threatened to prosecute her, imprisoning her and dismiss her, etc., put his face buffalo in heat and lifted her voice as when an evil stepmother yelling at her stepdaughter, an episode that was also widely covered by newspapers and television, as the tiny Fiscal Rojas Méndez became gigantic in its moral authority and confronted the corrupt octopus head of this regime. With such "merit", the unhappy felony, was promoted and appointed to the position of your head and there began his misfortune. Well, being a fledgling, freshman practitioner of his profession does not know until today what it contains and what it means, he devoted himself to obey orders 'superiors', his writings not drafted it, he did a secretary and to a "partner" of the PNP, with the latter also the provisional judge Miranda servile Caramutti among others, put together a very efficient espionage, Bernie Contu PNP Major HUGO HERNAN DEZ SALGUERO served the cause NIST wing more effectively. Well, as stated at all, they made a mess in the investigation and formalization of the events of June 05, 09 and until today, still at large and not been penalized for this and other unconditional servants of corruption Alans. But like all too abundant in the ferment of destruction, the wretched excesses of this led to commit the following offenses, which are by being investigated in these days by the Internal Control Body of the Public Prosecutor in charge Amazonas Macedonian Chief Prosecutor of Neyra Arenas, another judge of muscle-flexing and prone-known tendency of this system, hence the doubt that may be sanctioned by this prosecutor of yore, it is inevitable, but are written complaints against him and held for not the be erased, the public do here, as contained in that document:

1.-That, says the letter of complaint fs. 02-08, where the citizens of the Province of Utcubamba propose some facts from the prosecutor alleged, inter alia, as: a) .- pulled the records out of prosecutors' offices to encourage their partner (her husband) Rosny Fernández Sánchez (trial lawyer), specifically in the case has been followed by crime against property in the form of aggravated robbery and other to the detriment of Gonzáez Alejandro Coronel and even the complaint has not expanded b) .- treated abusive surveillance staff of the Office: c) .- assaulted in the environments of the Attorney physically pulling the hair Dona Hermelinda Ruiz Linares, d) .- ordered arbitrarily detaining Arlita Carrascal, (sister of the Director of this weekly ), e) .- Filed in haste the complaint against Judge Francisco thin walls and NUÑEZ FISCAL CHASQUERO and even when he returned the case the Superior Prosecutor, it retained most of the time possible in his office: f) .- Theft closed the Café in coordination with defense counsel Rosny Fernández Sánchez (her husband) and even when it intervened initially failed to conduct proceedings, not receiving the statement Jorge Gonzalez Chávarry g).

- allowed the staff of the Prosecutor Walter Palacios Anglas, sign your assistance, however, that it was not met to work; h) .- He used the truck several times to move the Attorney Grande Lonya the district to visit her husband Rosny Fernández Sánchez. Other . End this first piece by saying, "Acts that would be responsive to the crimes defined and penalized under Articles 376 º and 377 º of the Penal Code. Quire it to say that this tax, it is being investigated, not because he fouled in their operation, if not for crimes that are punishable by imprisonment according to the dispositions mentioned. Sure! That will not happen with this protected his fellow party members, so we moved here for the citizens, the people must be and are the best judges of these corrupt judge. NUNEZ DELGADO AND CLICK PANCHO RO included.

continue in the next edition.

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To investigate work of the mayor Gilmer Ananias

JAEN. "Suddenly the neighborhood streets and Chincaysuyo Antisuyo, which are parallel to the Avenida Miraflores join Mariscal Castilla, saw that they were being abandoned in the management of the Mayor Having been a priority in the previous administration and focused its activities cemented the street "Aguarunas" between the M. Castilla and Jr. Cusco which is where property and is building a new mall.

Inexplicably, the road reaches the main facade of the future commercial center and is to be encemen ited, as can be seen in one of the photographs shown here.

to build the mayor, nothing is wrong, but what the residents of that sector's demand for an investigation into why at about midnight dumpers get to download material, also to stop tanks water and the worst could be that to take care of their materials and equipment, would be using PUBLIC SAFETY staff, as reported neighbors, the same as "spend the night firing shots."

Work on its future MALL run with unusual speed, the building stands in an area of \u200b\u200bsix thousand square meters and to investigate the workers of this work, we were told that some posts and galleries are for sale and that we will talk to the mayor.

But something else, which is no longer a novelty, since in the election campaign he brought out his plans for when I get to City Hall, delete or close markets or stalls, to condition vendors installed in your mall there, the rush to use the office to facilitate access to that location, leaving aside more streets central and most important, as the last two sections of the Cajamarca road giving access to the Stadium, the very periphery of the Municipal Stadium and many other much more central streets and the former mayor had been scheduled to be cemented this year; But Don Gilmer Ananias, in the most unscrupulous care about anything or anyone, is making the rounds to further enhance their wealth, taking advantage of aldermen has genu hoses, blind and dumb acting behind the people and only put in front the end of the month when they have to collect their diets.

The fact is very serious, therefore, warrants that among the aldermen who were elected to oversee, commissions were formed to investigate the movement of vehicles transporting municipal water and building materials to the mayor, how is it that only the street with access to the shopping mall is being cemented and the other streets remain abandoned, although Chinchaisuyo street, there is a school for children in this sector that the mayor did not take into account to begin, even hiding a bit, first the street and Tando encemen after another. This demonstrates a tremendous greed stomach, hence the importance to investigate.

According to our sources, Gilmer Fernández acquired this area of \u200b\u200b6.000 m2 more than 600 thousand suns to its owner at that time, Mr. Wilmer Flores Pérez Pérez aka Rulo, early last year. Since then made clear periphery of some villagers who were as "responsible" to begin his work, which having been elected mayor, also started parallel work in the surrounding streets, as shown in the photo above, street "Aguarunas" which gives direct access , while side streets are completely neglected.

I ng º. Reelected Councilman Luis Abad Arriaga, known for his gifts of rectitude and transparency, so far has not commented on anything and nothing against these allegations.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

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face of defeat and the inability

Fiscal Terán Bobadilla

unable to Radio La Voz

With his usual pedantry, his arrogance and his belief of being anointed SuperPro tected and all powers, lawyer to bury the blame for Baguazo was named Head Provincial Prosecutor, moving to a professional career, Dr. Luz Marlene Rojas Méndez, in last Tuesday's hearing, was reduced to a minimum, that is, a heap irreciclable slum some foul dunghill. The prosecutor "brave" (in quotes) who dared to go to jail where he had confining the Director of NOR EAST!, using the most foul and unrepeatable words and try to slap him, of that unhappy, there are only spoils you are seeing in that picture.

His ex-boss and "aunt", he said and now its "godfather" "Tuco" Peláez former Attorney General and Attorney General respectively with links openly Aprista put her in office and digital digit as a game of Play Station, then Closing RADIO VOICE, the second objective was to NOR EAST SILENCE! and imprisoned its Director with the complicity of the judge of the slavish FRANCISCO MIRANDA Caramutti APRA, in the belief that awkward RADIO VOICE silencing and imprisoning the Director of NOR EAST!, would be fertile ground for further abuse of indigenous peoples, throwing the forget the real culprits of Baguazo.

But the Truth does not "kill" Apango transmitters or imprison directors, has begun to emerge as the chick from its shell and the assassins who tried to kill her, have begun to fall, one by one as will note from the date.

Indeed, not all judges creep, or crawl in exchange for gifts or perks, Dr. ERNESTO BERNABE ORE LLANO, who not only upheld the action of HABEAS CORPUS (By abuse of authority TESTED) of yore tax and other avalanche that within low will fall further, also entertain the complaint stated inadmissibility of actions in the indictment that the prosecutor referred to him, the owner of Radio the Voice, Ms. Aurora Flores Burgos. This was expressly decided, through Resolution No. 16 of the Criminal Court Judge of the Second Preparatory Research Dr. Bermabé Orellano, therefore, the evil brat pretensions of tax (P) went overboard and even appealed that decision, Mrs. Burgos Flores, will continue his fight to the highest courts.

According to reports received from Bagua Grande and colleagues who were covering these events, Dr. Ingrid Diaz del Castillo, an attorney with the Institute for Press and Society (IPYS) and the lawyer of Bagua Grande , Marco Antonio Chafia Quintana, were responsible for sustaining the order of inadmissibility of actions, with extensive and convincing arguments abundant reference duly substantiated court, showing that what was committed was a misdemeanor and not a crime, that such failure has already been sanctioned by ERM and had no judicialice sense to return to be punished with four years in prison, as requested by the prosecutor referred.

When Judge Ernesto Barnabas, asked the representative of the Attorney General Olga Bobadilla, to substantiate his accusation, it is silent, not even stood up to the surprise and buzz of the attendees to in loud laughter broke loose for the shameful performance was starring in the Terán Bobadilla, who was limited to "blow" to the ear of his chief assistant, another apprentice LENY MAR DEL ROSARIO name QUISPE URBINA, the same as another sorry spectacle staged Courtroom in the Judicial Branch, gave above shows he does not know even what a receiver, a transmitter less, worse, was not informed of what was discussed at that hearing and entered into gross omissions and contradictions, when said that "Radio La Voz had two transmitters, one frequency and another frequency 101.1 513.25", attendees could not help but laugh at these unfortunate and poor fiscal arguments apprentice or trainee.

Finally, Dr. Diaz del Castillo, IPYS concluded that "No one can be punished twice for the same reasons, there is the inability to borne by two penalties on the same subject and for the same offense. Interventions completed, Judge Ernest Bern bé, in an act that has to make law, upheld the appeal for inadmissibility of actions EXCEPT separated from the process and Ms. Aurora Burgos sort files the case. The only thing I managed to say the prosecutors appealed the end was that such a resolution, and ended the hearing in question that has been much talked about local, regional and national levels. (José Flores B. - NORTH EAST!)

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Museum 40 years old Jaén

writes: Ulises Guevara Gamonal

was a May 3, back in 1971, with a few ceramic items and fossils he had collected the priest Alfredo Bastos Noren, initiating the organization of the Museum to Jaén, in environments of Ex-Escuela Normal Mixta "Victor Andrés Belaunde" in parochial school classrooms.

interest to establish the museum, was the need for students of the emerging Joint Normal School "Victor Andrés Belaunde," they needed to prepare their lessons in history and geography, but there were some reference sheets, then said: "WE BUILD A MUSEUM FOR JAEN "youth of higher education are especially excited and Narcisa brothers Jose Mercedes Sánchez Saavedra, were the first to give away several samples of pottery they had in their homes belonged to the Chimu and Lambayeque cultures, with 15 ceramic samples and some forty fossil ammonites and oysters was giving way to one of the most beautiful and exciting tasks for the people of the Upper Maranon: The Museum as pillars of their identity.

By then the Bishop Antonio Hornedo Correa visited the brand new "Museum" appreciated it as a utopia, a dream of teenagers, just told us, you know what a museum and how to manage it?, keep quiet, it was crazy, but we had to persist with the support of the local community and neighboring towns, mainly Normal School students and secondary in 1974 Edgard Guevara high school students, Jhony Martínez and Hector Abarca, found in the East and the collapse of the Huaca San Isidro several samples of fine stone and ceramic Chavinoid traits, shows that reinforced the desire for a museum for ancient samples of Jaén this region.

recessive In 1975 the Normal School, the museum and library are relocated to NúcleoEducativo 01, which was located in the surroundings of Villanueva Alfonso Pinillos College, a small and dynamic museum suffered the first robbery took almost all samples, it increased our determination to continue with the Museum JAEN in 1980, the Museum is relocated the Technological Institute '4 June 1821 ", which had support and enthusiasm of its founding director, Professor Hermogenes Mejía Solf, who had won the national competition for Director and was a strong soldier support been forging a Museum, in 1985 the National Institute of Culture, who knows the rich heritage that kept growing and as invincible, decide By Directorial Resolution CREATE REGIONAL MUSEUM OF PUBLIC Technological Institute "4 June 1821."

In 1991, 25 May, after a long illness, died Solf Professor Hermogenes Mejía, teachers, students and neighbors request that their name is perpetuated in Jaen and manage the museum is named "MEJIA SOLF HERMOGENES REGIONAL MUSEUM" from that date until the present, the Museum has grown so much and so, and has received immense international prestige visits, thousands of children, youth and adults annually our showrooms, tens of Villagers have donated valuable samples just to mention: Mr. Fernan Perez Castillo, José M. Sánchez Saavedra, Walter Amado Chavez Lizarzaburu Germain, José Ignacio Adrianzén, Marco V. Gamonal, Melanio Garcia Neyra, Manuel and Montenegro Luzmila Soberón, Pastor Robin Sanchez, Mauricio Dávila Cubas and others to whom it is our deep appreciation.

have passed forty years, like it was yesterday, the museum continues to grow, is still struggling to consolidate the cultural identity of these lands is expected as always the quiet support of the people, because it is only he who makes its history, retains its past and into the future.