Thursday, May 5, 2011

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Director of DISA-Jaén, perromuertero: Much

JAEN.-One unusual event is happening on the DISA-Jaén, which reveals the fragility and almost no capacity of regional government chaired by Prof. Gregorio Santos Guerrero, who, having come to power mostly regional votes ronderos and teachers, has been forced to "lend" or "import" professionals, many of those who know little or nothing of our reality and past the first hundred days of his administration, there is the imminent threat of total collapse that would lead to a cliff with all its partners and courtiers around him.

A simple example, put Cutervo Goyo Santos as Deputy Regional Manager, a Tco. Nurse, because he gave money to his campaign, the rest, do not say, you know better.

The public criticism of the employer is making graphic Alberto Melendez Abanto Manager "PUBLI GRAMA" who by extensive documentation, is exposing what is intended to disguise believe that nothing happens.

Your complaint has to do with the 122 thousand suns they stole from the vault into the seat of Health and as we know, the theft until now, there is nothing and everything is proceeding in the familiar and announcements rocked "and being investigated, which has been found authors' and yet nothing concrete until today.

Alberto Meléndez argues that nov.2010 on 17, won the bid price in a contest for a batch of printed by the S/.79 sum of, 500.00. On 10 dic.2010, signed Contract No. 083-2010 by formalizing the commitment of providing "SER VICE OF PRINTS, BINDING AND PLASTER" for DISA, under the Rules of the contest which includes Print, bloks, Giganto full color graphs, posters, brochures, forms of meat ts, etc. That in the execution there were a series of contract changes or variations of formats by the DISA, the same as those observed by PUBLIGRAMA explicitly. That, subsequent to the provision of service , served as a contractual commitment and delivered the materials, ie, dated March 18, 2011, the DISA refers to PUBLI GRAMA LETTER OF ATTORNEY by making a series of objections, resolving the contract them were rejected with a letter of attorney, by the way trick and nothing serious to act, because the prints had been delivered, receptions and distributed das mostly and now wanted FAILURE and NO PAY service. As granted reasonable time to comply to pay the amount agreed up to the sum of S/.79, 500 nuevos soles; with trampling FOURTH OF CONTRACT clause that establishes the obligation of THE CONTRACTOR, payment to the Contractor within 10 calendar days. Abanto Melen dez, with the respective records of receipt by part of DISA officials met PUBLIGRAMA shows that delivery of the paper agreed in the Contract, also adds that to meet had to manage a loan a bank, has hired extra staff in a total of 15 workers and all that, trying to ignore the Director, DISA with whom he previously very cordial meeting in which he elaborated on this problem and offered to solve, but no sooner left his office, "I body ro-Melendez says," that was my rant person, chastising those who had received the forms. " Hostile attitude and insincere, much less chivalrous an official should be more interested in matters as sensitive as this. Melendez says.


After more than two months of willful and malicious by the DISA, traveled to Lima to investigate the Ministry of Economy and Finance on the implementation of payment of the contract, taking the bitter surprise to be informed and shown the relevant document that the payment for that service had already been implemented, and had become effective on behalf of a DISA official, which has led to increased concerns, to such events has been forced to initiate the actions that the law entitles starting with a LOCATION to the Arbitration and Conciliation Body, to exhaust the procedural and then, a criminal complaint with the appropriate jurisdiction, the other in civil proceedings for compensation for losses, costs and cough gas must meet the Director, DISA Dr. Carlos Zapatel.


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