Wednesday, May 4, 2011

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employer reports it despite death of Archbishop José María I. Electrical goods houses

The week culminates, is a week sad, it hurts my soul, as would César Vallejo, departed for eternity two very loved and respected by the people of Jaén and surrounding communities. We refer to Monsignor José María Izuzquiza Herranz, Bishop Emeritus of Jaén and Soberón Arturo Catano, remembered distributor of newspapers and magazines in our province.


Born in Madrid (Spain) on February 22, 1925, son of Mr. Leon Izuzquiza and Pilar Herranz primary school those made in the educational community of Madrid, seundaria at school in Madrid, Madrid Higher Education, England and the United States.

Places worked: Lima, San Ignacio, Urcos, Cusco and Jaen.

role to play: Immaculate College Director attached. Professor at the Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería-Lima. Pastor, Senior Secretary of the Jesuits and the Bishop of Jaén. Radio commentator Marañón permanent.

was incorporated BOOK OF JAEN Smith "by the Cultural Circle" Jaime Vasquez Diaz "on December 17, 1993, with Messrs. Roger Vargas Alarcon, Victor Perez, Santa Cruz, Antonio Ballada Panta res, Paulina Jiménez de Nava, Artidoro Adrianzén Moreno, Antonio Montoya and Mr. Oscar Balcazar Duda Risco.

Consistent defender of forests and the environment, worked tirelessly for the freedom of eleven farmers from San Ignacio unjustly imprisoned by the logging INCAFOR falsely accused of terrorism.

A heart attack ended his life the teacher and friend recalled that shaped generations of bright catechists, priests and commoners with the spirit of the defense and protection of life and the environment.


Knowing Jaén is a land of hospitality and generating work, very young man came to these places Don Arturo, from cutervinas land, he married Mrs. Deidamia Hoyos López, whose commitment to their sons and daughters were born: Zarela, Elizabeth, Alicia Edinson Enrique, Miguel Angel and Nixa Flor.

was the first newspaper boy that began with the sale of the newspaper "La Industria" in Chicago, since 1963, became a strong promoter of culture, by contacting the distributors of national and international journals therefore was also the weekly dealer Masks, Selections, Mechanical People when they come out in English, the "National Geographic."

In 1990 a mysterious fire destroyed all their belongings, including all the magazines and reading materials distributed, being in extreme poverty, so that local authorities and neighborhood, knowing his brilliant career as an honest man and cultural work, helped her rebuild her home.

recent years started to hit the infirmities of age and terrible legs affected by diabetes, Don Arturo, walking slow and painful, with its venerable gray, teaching new generations the importance of honest work and the struggle for life publications stopped coming, began to wait, but his faithful and consistent supplier, had begun the journey to eternity, carrying the memory and appreciation his legion of readers. (ULYSSES GAMONAL )


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