Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Watch Prosti Aubery Miles

not only masters of the world, also in the lives

do not know if there are others who think the same, the fact is that what the U.S. has just one of the most ruthless terrorists, in view of the essential design of what is called justice, I think the most reprehensible exhabrupto the rawest displays of abuse, arrogance and tyranny comparable only to the acts of the bloodthirsty Persian and Medo-Persian kings of old and a bit of Adolph Hitler.

one approved course and was happy with what happened on September 11, 2001, was like a deep wound to all humanity, but from there to chase air , sea and land, to locate, violate borders, sovereign states and get to his home in the town of Abbottabad, Pakistan where the terrorist was hiding Bin Laden, not capture, if not to kill him, frankly, I fail to understand Christian tradition these men rule the world, masters of the lives and deaths. Inspiring and promoters of the hypocritical Universal Declaration of rights Humans, whose Article 11 that they drafted, wrote and proclaimed a December 10, 1948, said: "Every person accused of crime has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in court public in which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defense. "Among other of the so famous" Universal Declaration ...». I saw with amazement how celebrates barbarism barbarism and push the world into a new law of retaliation, leaving shrunken to the "law of the jungle" in addition to the celebrations, congratulations, exaltation to place Obama as a hero a global champion for such a great feat of killing a un terrorista y otros tres de sus acompañantes, hasta el despistado presidente peruano, vertió estas infelices frases al mencionar a este hecho, como «El primer milagro que hizo el ahora Beato papa Juan Pablo II...», tal vez para ganarse el aprecio de los norteamericanos a donde estaría pensando refugiarse después del 28 de julio; pero, definitivamente, viendo con serenidad, los estadounidenses han cometido una más de las tantas violaciones que casi a diario ejecutan; peor aún si a este acto lo ponemos de cara al cristianismo, que es la religión que estos hipócritas profesan, no sabríamos, qué diría Jesús si estuviera físicamente presente. Adolfo Hitler y sus seguidores no mataron tres o cinco thousand as he accuses bin Laden, killed six million innocent people, however, who were captured, they were given the opportunity to defend themselves, were established due process and it is known, none was executed with bullets.

not complained after the Americans for what may come, because the germ of terrorism and violence, not only embodied in a Bin Laden, many of these that have to be on the way . Be prepared for whatever comes next!.

Unless otherwise seem.

Northeastern :



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