Saturday, May 7, 2011

Old Computer Game, Used Slingshot To Kill Ghosts

Less than imagined, the discontent and unrest in a large segment of workers in the DISA (Also periphery), and tired of the abuse they receive from this official, with manners totally disproportionate to the delicate task assigned to him. Situation already known to the Regional Director and the same Elzer Elera Regional President Santos Gregorio Guerrero.

But what, you still are enduring what no longer is held up and learn to reach him the copy of letter No. 07 dated 366-2011-GR-CAJ-DSRSJ/DG April addressed to the Regional President for receiving and processing registration No. 00290264, in the name of the Director of DISA JAEN, which is seeking "REORGANIZATION AND STRUCTURE (is not he mean 're-structuring?) OF THE JURISDICTION OF THE SUB REGION HEALTH JAEN' ... This means exactly what he did in the famous coup Fujimori and by coincidence the profession has almost the same date. This has generated a huge upset and now runs a memorial asking IMMEDIATE DISMISSAL, with the ability to go "if possible" to "measures of strength of not being heard." Demásmuy situation unfortunate and harmful to the poor management that has been doing Don Goyo Santos.

Documents that are part of the frontal war that is claiming the employer Alberto Melendez DISA Director Carlos Zapatel Gordillo, who accuses him of wanting to make the "perromuerto" by refusing to authorize payment of S/.79, 500.00 for a contract paper, duly authenticated and documented every care delivery and reception .


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