JAEN.-businessman Alberto Melendez Abanto, returned to the fray this week, having failed to attend the hearing of conciliation and arbitration in Chicago the Director of DISA Carlos Zapatel Gordon or any of its representatives, Melendez said, "this confirms that they have no face to give no arguments to refute the evidence that I have shown that indeed does not pay to hide the money they stole negligence of the inner dome and until today do not know anything. " Said.
As charged again with the introduction of another document to the Institutional Internal Control Manager Mr. Walter Perez Torres, dated May 5, which among other asserts in paragraph 6.3, the Director of DISA did know of this irregularity, the study memo. circular dated April 19 which gives 48 hours to its employees to report if printed Naron receptions ... is further evidence of disability, showing that first statement to terminate or cancel the contract without investigating and penalizing nothing l e merits still escape liability THEFT perpetrated on February 26, 2011.
That, not having gone to the Court of Conciliation and Arbitration, costs or payments made for such measures increased to ONCE MIL SOLES amount will be charged as an addition to the outstanding bill, so it is initiating appropriate legal proceedings against the Director of DISA, which as is customary, and not involve the Ministry of Health, but it rests against the same official.
Alberto Melendez also alleged that on April 28 requested a document provide copies FEDATEADA of the SERVICE ORDER No. 0894, PROOF OF PAYMENT No. 143, copy of the BANK CHECK that took what belongs in the amount of S/.79, 500.00 documents were issued by the DISA to PUBLIGRAMA, but has spent many days in the period prescribed by law and the Chief of DISA, today (Friday 06-05-011) does not give you the desire to respond and comply with such request.
Le closed door
Unfortunate the situation and condition of the HEAD OF THE DISA, having broken relationships and working with their staff, according to this spokesman realized "ONLY ONE with him, the rest hate it." Coordinate shutting the door in those days, if the regional president, not out, although we were informed by a regional official Gregorio Santos, these days comes looking to replace who, in view of its personalistic and authoritarian attitudes that go with the position for which he was appointed and had to be more political than technical. The unrest continues to rise and was also known that Dr. Zapatel ready their return to their place of origin.
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