CAJAMARCA .- (Correspondent) It is very possible that after this publication, the inhabitants of the metropolis will CAJAMAR machine makes her cry to heaven, when they learn the moves been made to tender the service concession or purification water for human consumption in this populous city sa.
As noticed in our last issue, the Mayor Ramiro Barda Vigo them, it is assumed, following an agreement of council, sent to Spain to two aldermen, among them the hardworking David Lara Ascorbe Fujimori, his return is giving us tremendous "good news" that a English company is interested in the construction of water purification plant for which service consumers pay the sum of one dollar per cubic meter. If we project the consumption of each household on average 25 m3 per month would be talking a cost that exceeds one hundred new soles per month. As if all people were members of the Yanacocha mine. Adding the harsh rule of the companies supplying this service "if you do not pay you do not have water."
This announcement implies the proposed privatization of this service, which was announced by the current mayor and to fund this work, we draw on the resources and mining royalty fee and support private companies, a project that has been challenged by the SUNASS for the encouragement this project from the public initiative.
It is recalled that at the moment, the Cajamarca pay a service water, as if it is not WATER TREATMENT. If we plant wastewater treatment at public expense, the costs could be the same and not be charged in dollars per cubic meter. The English company orders 20 years to recoup its investment pursuant to which amounts to one hundred million new soles, or explain unclear details of the investment.
malcontents still within the municipality, given that Don Ramiro BARDALES, turning a blind eye, has allowed to hire staff in receipt of retired pay, which doubled its revenues apart from other professionals young people who really need it, specific case, Mr. FILIBERTO PLAINS CAVE, the Natural Resources Manager put it as CLEANING SUPERVISOR OF PUBLIC, by the grace of Mr. WALTER CHAVEZ BRIO NES, better known as "EL CHAVO" militant Peru Posible, which as detailed in previous editions, the hiring of his relatives are in the front row, regardless of the path and contractors, who are already rubbing their hands and contacting suppliers for the carols WAWASIs national holiday and Christmas at the expense of the neediest children.
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